Friday, May 21, 2010

This week I went to watch my nephews play some of their first Little League games in Woodstock.

They are both still getting the hang of it and I'm sure they will grow to enjoy the game as I did.  For now though, it is Simon's turn in the spotlight as he works on his timing in batting and catching.  I got to thinking how rare it is to have photos from my first games versus today's photographic landscape and how almost every kid will have an abundance of memories captured.
The lesson of the day to is to print the photos you like and to make sure to back up regularly so you don't lose the captured memories.

I am sure one day he'll find these shots and thank me for making the most of a 7 year old's efforts.

Shooting a game like this made for many fun shots, so get out there and go for it.  It was also a good workout for shooting and timing action.

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A Quick Look at the 1972 Hasselblad 500C/M

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